Articles from this Column

TankBOT: Basic Robotics 101


July 2010, Page 67 [Digital Edition ]
A Beginner’s Guide to Building Your Future Robot Overlord

LCD Software For Your TankBot


November 2009, Page 62 [Digital Edition ]
This month, we are going to explore two software applications for our new serial LCD: real-time distance-to-obstacle measurement and battery voltage monitoring. However, before we do that we need to be sure that our LCD is functioning correctly.

Gulf Coast Robotics Sports 2


October 2009, Page 33 [Digital Edition ]
July 11th was the second Gulf Coast Robot Sports event at the Robot MarketPlace in Bradenton, FL. Fifteen robots showed up for a chance at one of the prizes, totaling over $150.

SERVO Tankbot | September 2009


September 2009, Page 67 [Digital Edition ]
Adding an LCD to Your TankBot.

Adding Sonar Capabilities to Your TankBot


July 2009, Page 67 [Digital Edition ]
In the previous TankBot column, we simplified our IR obstacle detection system to make it smaller so that the IR circuitry could coexist on the breadboard with the next project (or two) that we would construct. This month, we’re going to make good use of the extra space we created.

SERVO Tank Bot | May 2009


May 2009, Page 72 [Digital Edition ]
This month, I had originally planned to move on to a new TankBot project but I quickly realized that in order to do so, I would first have to dismantle our previous project because it took up virtually all the space on the TankBot’s breadboard. I couldn’t bring myself to do that. Instead, I opted to simplify the IR circuitry so that it would be smaller and therefore able to coexist on the breadboard with the next project (or two) that I have in mind...

An Introduction to Wedges


March 2009, Page 26 [Digital Edition ]
Since the inception of robotic combat, the wedge has been viewed as one of the most successful and easy to build designs, though it has also become among the most hated.