
Panasonic Sets World Record with Adorable Evoia Robot!

Move over Energizer Bunny! There’s a new, super-enduring battery mascot in town… and his name is Evoia. Panasonic recently drove the extremely adorable Evoia for 24 hours straight to set a new world record with an incredible distance of 23.726 km!


Panasonic let the little blue robot loose at Lemans Racetrack to demonstrate their long-lasting Evolta batteries on August 6th. Evoia rode his tricycle in style without showing a sign of weariness throughout the entire 24 hour period. This is the second record for the Evolta battery, which was previously awarded “longest lasting AA alkaline battery.”

Designed by Tomotaka Takahashi, the lovable robot navigated his way around the course by following an infrared beam. And the super efficient Evolta is much better for the environment than regular batteries — although ideally we would prefer if Evoia was powered by rechargeable batteries.

[Source] Panasonic; Mr. Evolta
[Source] Inhabitots

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/14 at 03:19 PM


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